Monday, May 30, 2016

What makes a Great America?

Trump wants to make America great again.  But, what does a “Great America” actually look like?

First, a great America is about the PEOPLE of America.

Thus, a great America consists of a people who…

Are honest and trustworthy: for example, a simple handshake is as good as a contract.  Men and women can be trusted in word and deed; they mean what they say and say what they mean.  They are a true and honorable people.

A great America consists of a people who…

Are able bodied and hardworking: strength and stamina come from good ole fashion hard work not just from a hard workout at the gym?  A great people are neither lazy nor self-indulgent, but are diligent and hardworking.  As a people who earn an honest living, they also lend a helping hand when others are down, lifting each other up along the way.

A great America consists of a people who…

Are respectful and considerate: People of all ages will say “Yes mam or yes sir; no mam or no sir”?  The young are taught to stand up and give their seat to the elderly.  Or, when seeing someone carrying a couple of bags to their car, it is as natural to say, “Here, let me help you with that bag,” as it is to say, “Hello, how are you?”

A great America consists of a people who…

Are frugal and waste nothing: They consider it a good thing to make something last for as long as you can.  But, taking good care of one’s things also means appreciating and taking care of one’s home and environment—NOT as a New Age, left wing, progressive political tree-hugging act, but as a natural extension of valuing Mother Nature’s gifts—arable and tillable land, pure water, clean air, and natural wild life.  Hence, a great people will respect their homeland, along with its environment, preserving its use for future generations.

A great America consists of a people who…

Are friendly and neighborly: They have a sense of community and know what it means to work together to build a better future, to adapt and adjust in order to accommodate and live peaceably, side by side, respecting and appreciating differences and individual uniqueness.

A great people…

Value integrity and character above monetary success: They measure one’s significance by what kind of person one has become, rather than by the size of a person’s pocket book.  They respect business people who make an honest and reasonable profit and actually trade goods and services that help a community thrive rather than exploit and use-up a community’s resources.

A great people…

Respect law and government as a good thing: They respect the electoral process and sustain a just and fair democratic system.  They seek honest and upright citizens to run for office.  They play by the rules and change them through due process, if they find certain rules are not working for them.  They demand a just and fair system at all levels of government.

A great people…

Believe in and support good solid public education for all.  A great people are an educated, intelligent and knowledgeable people as a whole. 

A great people…

Have respect for Faith and various religious traditions.  A great people neither control nor exclude religious values and practices in the public square, but neither does it require religious faith of anyone.

In short, Greatness is in the people.  Is America great?  How should it be great; that is, by what standard do we measure the greatness of America?  Is America’s greatness to be measured only by its wealth and power?  What if greatness is to be measured by the quality of its people?  What kind of people are we?  What have we become in the last decade or century?  Are we satisfied with who we are?  Can we actually say, without self-doubt or second thought, that we are a great people—because of who we are as a people?

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