Monday, May 9, 2016

Electing Attitude For President

It's not substance that counts, it's attitude!

This is why Trump has become the presumptive Republican nominee for president—people like his attitude.

They don’t care that he contradicts himself left and right.  They don’t care that his promises have no realistic substance to them.  It’s not what he says, it is how and why he says what he says that people like about Trump.  Trump boldly and unapologetically speaks people’s politically incorrect thoughts.  This they like about him.  So, to hell with substance; it’s the thought that counts!

Trump says things like ban all Muslims from entering the United States and build a wall between Mexico and the U.S. and make Mexico pay for the cost of building such a wall.  Reality check: Can’t happen and won’t happen—even if Trump were to become president.  But hey!  It doesn’t matter that Trump can’t really do these things—it’s the thought that counts!

This is why people are willing to take a risk on electing Trump as president.  (And yes, it is a huge risk.)  I have no doubt that Trump supporters know that his ideas or so-called plans to “Make America Great Again” lack actual detailed substance in terms of realistic workable steps.  But for them—so what!  They trust his attitude and believe in his spirit.  And that’s good enough for them to give him their vote.

Thus, Trump supporters are voting for attitude not substance.

For example, Trump supporters love Trump’s characterization of what America should be.  Trump is saying that America should be numero uno in the world—unbeatable and unapologetic about anything America does in the global scene.  That is, America must be first among all other nations: First in power; first in prosperity and wealth, first in action and in results, first in resources and influence, first in everything.

Thus, Trump supporters are inspired by Trump’s passionate call to make America great again.  And they are excited by Trump’s apparent willingness to say and do anything—anything at all, no matter how outrages it may sound—in order to make America great again.  Hence, Trump’s attitude alone has won many over to his side, giving Trump the benefit of the doubt (as to unknown substance or details), rallying behind Trump with their whole hearted support.

Okay, Yes!  Trump has attitude and spirit.  But Trump is also a topnotch salesman with a topnotch sales pitch.  And what is Trump selling to the American people?  American Greatness!  But he is selling it for a pretty penny.

For, buying American Greatness on Trump’s terms will cost us.  It will cost us our integrity, our honesty and honor, our mutual respect and trust and belief in equality; it will cost us our sense of just and fair play.  It will cost us our self-respect.  For, these core values will be charged against our national account if we elect a man like Donald Trump for president.



    Relevent old sermon by Dr. Lloyd-Jones that speak to our present situation.

    1. Thanks for the link to Dr. Lloyd-Jones' sermon. I have on thing to say in response... AMEN!
