Monday, September 17, 2012

Jesus Would Not Support Such Riotous Behavior, I Doubt Muhammad Would Either

More riots, destructive behavior and even murder, because of offense taken, in behalf of the Prophet Muhammad, is this really what the prophet himself wants?  Is this what God expects of His devotees?

Islam respects Jesus as a prophet of God as well.  Does this kind of hateful riotous behavior come anywhere near close to what Jesus taught, modeled, and proclaimed as a prophet of God?  No it does not.

Insult or not, offense taken or not, I don’t see that either Jesus or Muhammad himself would support such cold-blooded murder, the way that Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens was murdered, not to mention the other embassy staffers killed along with him.  Because of this, I am appreciative of the fact that some Muslims have been brave enough to say as much, to say that this is not commendable nor representative behavior of true Islam and its faithful adherents.

Ambassador Stevens and the other individuals killed along with him had nothing to do with the film that caused the offense.  Therefore, one can only conclude that such riotous behavior is a pretext for other concerns—social, economic, national, cultural, and political agenda—certainly not faithfulness and devotion to God and/or his prophet.

Jesus modeled love, compassion, mercy, and grace—even to those who would reject, abuse, and denounce him.  Jesus looked to redeem the lost and wayward, not to judge, condemn and kill them.  Jesus worked toward changing a man’s heart so as to save him from condemnation and death—not to gleefully gloat over His enemy’s (the God-offender’s) destruction for having done wrong.

It is a sign of greater strength and maturity to overlook an offense rather than to fly off the handle and do unjust harm and perpetrate general destruction to innocent bystanders because of an offense taken.  It is a sign of mature faith and true holy and righteous living, when one who is offended behaves in ways that lead to restorative transformation of the offender rather than inciting further hatred by adding offense to offense.  In that light, I hope to hear more Muslims speak out against murderous riotous behavior carried out in the name of God’s prophet, when offense is taken by adherents to Islam.

This is what Jesus’ life, actions, and teachings modeled when He faced God-offenders: an offering of restorative healing, an invitation to embrace transformation and renewal, an opportunity to make amends and enter into peace with God.

Following Jesus is more than an ideal.  It is a commitment to a higher level of living and being.  It is a call to be transformed and renewed into a new kind of person in Jesus.  It is the saving of one’s soul and the renewing of one’s mind, and a call to holy, righteous and just living with love and compassion toward all, with the hope that even those outside of the faith—no matter how offensive they may be in their faithlessness—would one day yield to God’s love.

It would be disappointing to think that obedient followers of Islam have a lesser call than that.

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