Monday, October 31, 2016

If Hillary Wins, What?

So, let’s pretend the worst has happened in the eyes of the Republicans—Hillary Clinton is elected president.  What then?

Will they say, “Okay, Hillary Clinton won fair and square, and so we will respect the peoples’ choice and work with her”?  NOT!!

The reality is that the Republican party will probably find as many ways as possible to delegitimize her election—be it legal, social, political, or what not.

They will declare war and become confrontational at every turn, questioning her every word, trying her every act, block, deny, and obstruct her every move, and refuse her every step of the way.  They will charge and attack at every possible opportunity.  In other words, the Republican Party will do everything it possibly can to ensure that Hillary’s presidency fails, if she manages to win the election.

That’s not the way to run a country and it is not how our two-party system should work!

But THAT is what is exactly wrong with our government—hate, spite, all or nothing positioning, winner-take-all warlike posturing, vitriolic disrespect for one’s political opponent and refusing to cooperate simply because cooperation is itself viewed as a bad thing.

To say that there is no need for spite, hatred, and war-like attitudes in our two-party system, is to be ignored.  We are now parties of extremes.  The moderate middle-voice is being excluded.

One might argue, “Yes, but, “crooked” Hillary is a scoundrel, a dirty no good liar, a cheat, and a criminal!  We can’t possibly work with her.”  And Trump!  Is he really any better?

It’s political rhetoric.  No politician is pure, faultless, or angelic like.  At the same time, few politicians are of the devil, not even Hillary.  Such attitudes are far-fetched and overboard.

In truth, both candidates’ vision statements have value: “Make America Great Again” and “Stronger Together.”  And, in terms of policies and issues, both candidates have something worth saying and worth doing.

So if America is to be strong, Americans MUST work together (remember: “A divided kingdom will fall”).  And, if America is to be great again, Americans must do so by unifying.  And the first step towards unity is to stop villainizing our fellow Americans and their representatives.  We may differ in our opinions and strategies as to how to tackle complex issues, but we need not differ as to how we should view and treat each other.  We should see each other as neighbors in the same community and treat each other as such.  How is it that we have come to hate our neighbors and our political opponents?

Our extreme political divisiveness is going to become our worst enemy.  We will destroy ourselves from within, which is exactly what our real enemies want to see happen to us.

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