Monday, January 4, 2016

Living with Hope in 2016

No one is self-sufficient.  No one can “go it alone” and really “make it” on this earth.  No, it is not simply that we need each other.  Of course we do.  Nevertheless, as true as that is, we need more than just one another; that is, collective humanity needs more than itself to survive.

I believe that we also need a Higher Power.  We need hope beyond ourselves.  Putting hope in ourselves ALONE is a dead end.  Humanity alone, by itself, in and of itself, just doesn’t cut it.

Why not?

For one, contrary to popular opinion, Religion is not the bad guy.  Belief in God is not the cause of all the evil that humans inflict upon humanity.  We humans are the problem; we simply use Religion (or other belief systems) to justify the ugly things that we do to one another.

Person(s) filled with pride, lust for power, hatred toward others, or with greed, anger, or with self-righteous indignation and a desire for vengeance, or with simple selfishness, for example, whatever his/her religious belief, creed or persuasion may be, or the lack thereof, will inevitably hurt, condemn, or oppress others in the name of his/her Belief System—be it National Pride, Family Honor, Fatherland, Motherland, Nazism, Communism, Capitalism, Socialism, or Religious persuasion.  “I do this in the name of _________________!”  Fill in the blank.  History is full of names that can fill-in such a line.

So, the problem is within us.  We Humans are simply not to be trusted.  Give us enough power, money, knowledge, and the freedom to do what we will, and we’ll ruin things—always!  Are we not ruining the earth even as we enjoy great strides in scientific discovery and electronic engineering?

That’s why we need a Savior.

I now bear witness to Christ.

No, not to Christendom or to this or that Christian church or denomination; I bear witness to Christ Jesus, the person, the man—the one of whom all the various Christian sects and creeds and Christian movements and rites, rituals, and teachings are centered upon.  I dare you to read Him, hear him, and take him in.  I dare you to do so with all serious intent and purposes, and think you won’t be changed.

Obviously I solidly disagree with those who believe that there is no God and presume that we are on our own, left to our own devises to give ourselves meaning, purpose, guidance and direction toward ultimate ends.  That’s putting too much faith in humanity.  The fact is that we humans are ruining the earth.  We cannot stop fighting and hating one another.  It seems that our human nature dooms us from the get-go. 

We humans also abuse our faith in God.  Why are young people willing to become suicide bombers for the likes of ISIS, for example?  What leads them to submit to such radical beliefs and practices?  Is it not the need to believe-in and hope-for something larger and better than our present humanly constructed economic, social, and political systems?  They long for a better order and they want personal meaning and pride and the status to go with it, beyond just surviving.  They want a promise fulfillment that only a god, a heavenly god far above humanity, can ever fulfill.

The hope of eternity is in our hearts.  It’s in our DNA—to believe-in and hope-for something better than this.  We believe that we can be, and should be, better than we are: hence our unceasing search for that ever evasive existential experience of eternal joy, happiness, love, beauty, purity, and truth.  Who or what is the ground of our being?  What is the direction of history?  Who are we humans, really?

In comes Jesus.

Jesus enters into the scene of unfolding human drama and claims He knows.  I dare you.  Listen to what Jesus has to say about… about what?  About God, humanity, himself, and human destiny; I dare you to listen to Him with all seriousness.  You just may begin to see the world differently and have a newborn hope you thought you could never have.  Go ahead.  Face Jesus and dare to receive the HOPE he gives.

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