Monday, March 3, 2014

Anchor Your Dreams and Visions to Reality

Dream big, you can be anything you want to be.  Go for it.  Just do it.  You’re only bound by the limits of your own imagination.  Sounds good, uplifting, motivating, but it can also lead to some very discouraging disappointment, if it’s not checked by reality.

What often looks impossible to the average person on the street, visionary leaders will see as quite doable—everything from climbing the tallest mountain in a matter of days, to submerging to the deepest parts of the ocean for weeks, from flying around the world in a matter of hours, to putting a man on the moon within a decade.

Visionaries overcome obstacle after obstacle to make it happen.  They are stubborn, tenacious, persistent, and courageous.  They are also practical.  They see the realistic possibility of it, how it might actually be done, and then they go for it.  At least they see enough of the possibility to make the attempt.  And their passion and conviction carries them the rest of the way.  At that point they won’t take no for an answer.

It’s the happy marriage of realism with idealism, that coupling of daring inventiveness with practical know-how that tips the scale in their favor.  They see its possibility, a way of making it work and getting it done.  And their energizing can-do spirit ignites the faith of others who join them in the belief that it actually can be done.

There is a fine line between an unrealistic delusional fantasy and a realistic visionary ideal.  The one is embraceable, obtainable, and doable, as in “Imagineering”; the other is wishful thinking, a pipe-dream, a complete waste of time to even consider.  How can one know the difference?

Consider the common practical, concrete and realistic elements that individual visionaries seem to share in their pathway toward discovering or making great innovations.

First there is a stirring mixture of personal talent, experience, education, and uncommon insight or perception.  They have personal skills and abilities which they apply and even stretch a bit.  They are studious and attentive.  Whether it’s the study of art or science, nature or history, they are keen observers.  They constantly learn and grow and adjust their sights accordingly.

Secondly, they are passionate and committed.  They won’t give up and will exert a tremendous amount of effort and make a significant amount of sacrifices to make it happen.  They train themselves; they focus, aim, and shoot until they hit the desired target.  Bull’s eye!  They got it.  A vision becomes reality!

Thirdly, they are risk takers, learning from their mistakes.  And they are not afraid to make those dreaded mistakes.  They are not afraid of failure.  To them, mistakes and failures are simply learning-curves.  Now more informed and better equipped, having learned from previous errors, they move that much closer to their desired end.

Fourthly, they practice and they do.  Ideas are put on paper, thoughts are put into words and words are put into action.  They break down the vision into incremental doable steps.  Let’s do this first, then this, then this, and then let’s put it together.  They clarify, organize, and plan.  They count the cost and pay as they go, until, Wham!  They’ve got it.  All the while they stayed the course and kept their eyes on the prize.

And finally they persist.  They will not back down.  They will not quit.  There are always, always obstacles and enemies or obstructionists to great visions.  There are those who not only refuse to believe in a vision’s possibility but will actually stand against it and will do all they can to undermine or destroy its potential for becoming a reality.  That’s just the way it is.  Great and successful visionaries expect it and deal with it.

Personal application:
Great Visionaries who enter our history books are uncommon and unique individuals among humanity; but what about the rest of us?  Can we have visions?  That is, can we do “great” things too?  Yes, yes we can.  Our personal visions and our achievements may be on a much smaller scale than those of the Great Giants of history, but the elements are the same and, more importantly, our achievements are just as important.  The question is: are we willing to reach, focus, plan and do, persist, and stay true to the dream?  If so, we too can have a significant impact in the world.

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