Monday, September 23, 2013

Political Sore Losers Throwing Tantrums Instead of Doing Real Governing

It used to be that when a given party won—got elected, passed a law, or carried a vote in their favor—the other party would accept it as a fait accompli, a done deed, an accomplished fact; the only logical, reasonable response was to deal with it, work with it, and make the best of it.  Am I wrong?

It used to be that the guy who lost would acknowledge defeat, shake hands respectfully, and wish the winner good luck and Godspeed.  Was this not so?

In other words, there was no allowance for poor losers, let alone any respect for them.  Apparently this has changed.  It seems now that we must not only tolerate but actually applaud sore losers.

A party loses the vote.  They didn’t get what they want.  So what do they do?  They stomp their feet in protest and whine and cry.  They vilify the winning side, calling them ruinous and disastrous for the country.  They swear oaths to sabotage, topple, and overturn their political opponents’ every action and every move, at every turn, every step of the way.  In other words they refuse to accept the winner as a winner and childishly thwart the winner’s every effort to make something work well.

There was a time in which the value of a good name meant maturity and respectability, wisdom and good sense, which in turn prevented one from “acting out” in an immature manner.  And so, one was not to be a sore loser and was to avoid such things as throwing a temper-tamper in public or pouting and whining, simply because one did not win or get what one had hoped for.  One was to be decent and respectable.

Not anymore.  Today’s political losers are not only sore losers they are vengeful losers.  They not only scream and pout; they throw things and break things.  They kick and obstruct.  They throw fits of anger and commit themselves to sabotage, regardless of effect or consequence.  This is what we are seeing in the face of Obama Care.

We, the people, need to say to them: Enough already!  Quit the whining!  Stop your temper-tantrums!

Obama Care passed.  So deal with it.  Work with it and make it better.  Quit trying to throw out the baby with the bathwater just because things did not go your way.  Dig in and try to make our nation’s health care system beneficial to all.  Make Obama Care worthwhile.  Fix it by coming up with modifications that makes it truly serviceable.  In other words, be positive and constructive about it, rather than simply blocking, negating, and being obstructive.

Stop acting like spoiled rotten overgrown children and become the mature, balanced, measured, and wise adults you are supposed to be, as congressional representatives of this supposedly great nation.  Run this country!  Address its needs.  Put your minds together to do something positive, to build instead of tear down, to construct instead of destroy, to tweak and make better instead of trash and burn.  Just do it, and do it now.

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