Did I hear the news correctly? It seems that, according to Rick Santorum, our latest drop in unemployment is due to “optimism that Republicans will take over the White House.” Did Rick Santorum really say that? Really? Here’s what I say: Rick, Get Real!
Spin, spin, spin, and more spin, a lot of talk with very little substance, a lot of facts with very little meaning, a lot of testifying and swearing-in with very little truth-telling.
As a voting citizen, I am tired of this. Aren’t you? Exaggerated claims for one’s self and innuendo and over-the-top accusations against one’s opponents. We want substance and thoughtful honest rational exchange, not just lambasting one’s opponent. We want real answers to serious questions. We want solid observations and genuine assessments made of true realities.
Here’s an example. My reading and understanding of history tells me that once powerful nations in the past were actually weakened, made less secure and more vulnerable to possible defeat, because of military over-extension. That is, great historical nations ruined themselves precisely because of pro-longed wars, over extended defense forces, and the severe tax-burden that military spending placed upon its populace. In my mind, a slimmed down, leaner meaner defense force is stronger than a fat, sluggish, overburdened, and overtaxing military giant. You know the story of David and Goliath. And great was Goliath’s fall. Let us not ignore the wisdom of the ages. So, I for one am not ready to buy into a simplistic sound-bite ad-attack that simply assumes that reducing our military/defense budget, de-facto weakens us. But, will we hear or see honest and intelligent rational presentations on this or any other significant national issue? I think not. This is irritating to me, because we should.
What we will hear is assumptions and presumptions without explanation or real rationale. What we are going to hear is personal and slanderous digs and attacks. What we are going to hear is general self-adulation in behalf of one’s party and person and sweeping severe denunciation of their opponents: We’ve got it all figured out; they’re totally ignorant. We’ve got it all right; they’re absolutely wrong. We’re for the American people; they’re against the American people, etc. etc. ad nauseam.
Politicians, Get Real! We want no more empty shallow spin, positive or negative. We want real content and honest grappling with the issues. Enough of your bombastic and exaggerated claims to grandiosity and your vicious mean-spirited trashing of your opponent! Substance, content, a reasoned and explained rationale, that’s what we want. Don’t take your opponent’s words out of context. Don’t show us an edited, sleight-of-hand portion of the picture. Paint the picture as it really is. Stop editing reality so as to only favor yourself or your own party. Alas! I know. The reality is, in the world of politics cheap mudslinging, dirty tricks, the distortion of facts and telling little white lies, work. Politics is politics. What a shame.
So, perhaps the best thing we voters can do is have the same attitude that all consumers should have, especially when making large purchases: “Buyer beware!” By the same token, Voters beware! Let us look past the pointed sound-bite, the digs and attacks, and ask, “What’s the real truth here?” Who really has the better approach, is using the best method, has the most integrity in his/her political behavior, and is offering the most promising vision for this nation—in real honest-to-goodness practical terms?” Let’s get past all the hype and hoopla. Go beneath the spin. Step back, look at the big picture. Rise above the fray. Side-step the attacks, and get the real substance of the matter. Then let’s decide.
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