Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wishing you a more Peace filled New Year

There will be good times and there will be bad times.  As you know, life has its ups and downs.  There will be births and there will be deaths, joys and sorrows.  So, prepare yourself.  You will experience both highs and lows this coming year.  Still, you may have greater peace.  How?

First, accept the reality of your human condition.  We are finite, limited, and dependent creatures.  Humbly accept this truth.  Once you accept this, it is easier to welcome God’s oversight in your life.

Second, make peace with your Self.  Perhaps by now you have realized that you are not this great, wonderful, and perfect human being that you thought you were.  You have flaws, you’ve made more than your share of mistakes, and you have even hurt precious loved ones along the way.  You have many regrets.  Welcome to humanity.  This is normal.  The challenge is to dare to ask for forgiveness and to receive mercy along the way.  Embrace God’s grace for your fumbling, wayward, and rebellious mistakes and let God nurture an inner peace within you.

Third, make peace with others.  You too have been hurt, by others.  He, she, they are stubborn, blind, ignorant, foolish, selfish, inconsiderate, and more.  Remember the saying, “Be patient with me, God is not finished with me yet”?  Apply this, not only to yourself but to those with whom it is difficult to accept, tolerate, and forgive.  They too are a work in progress.  For your own peace of mind and heart, hand them over to God, let-go of your grudge against them—more inner peace.

And finally, make peace with God.  We’re used to blaming the person at the top for things that go wrong; we hold the boss, the manager, the owner, the president, the elected official responsible for everything that goes wrong.  “Fix it!  Correct it!  Make it better!”  We demand.  And we carry this attitude over to God.  “God,” we say in our hearts, “start doing your job and make this world a better place to live in!”

Turn this demanding attitude around.  Let’s not blame God.  God is not our enemy.  Neither is God responsible for human error, greed, pride, hatred, anger, and evil choices.  Rather, worship God as God.  It is we who are answerable to God, not He to us.  Make peace with God by embracing His love, letting His grace wash over you, cleansing you from all unrighteousness—even more inner peace.

Have a Blessed and Peaceful New Year!

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