Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Power Politics and Christian Power?!

BIG mistake!  To think that the strength of the Christian message along with its principles, values, and practices are best promoted by government and politics. The more Christians seek to maintain social and political control over this nation, the less faithful it is to its true message and the more it relinquishes its real power of life changing spiritual vitality and renewal.  Christianity did not spread like wildfire within the Roman Empire by strategically taking over the Roman Senate and putting a Christian on the Emperor’s thrown.  (That came much, much later during the Empire’s decline.)  The Roman Empire was in charge when Christianity was born.  Where is Rome now?

The challenge is this: many studious observers of Christianity and Western Civilization are saying that Christianity is now on the waning side of what was once called Western “Christendom.”  That is, there was a time in both Europe and in America that almost everybody identified with the Christian faith, at least nominally so.  This is no longer the case, most especially in many parts of Europe.  Here in the U. S., our diversity is growing at such a rapid rate that Christianity may soon no longer be viewed as the representative faith of most Americans.

Yes, Christianity is becoming more and more marginalized.  Christianity is no longer our culture’s Norm setter, the provider of moral values and ethical standards for society.  It is no longer the sole vision carrier for defining Truth and Reality, Belief and Values within society.  Indeed, Christianity is fast becoming a minority voice rather than the majority voice it once was.  Our seasonal year is no longer tied to the rhythm of the church and Christianity.  Other religious celebrations (Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim), along with their own peculiar rites, rituals, and practices now mark our annual calendars.  We can no longer speak of Christmas or Easter vacation; they are now spring and winter breaks.

Thus, many Christians sense Christianity’s loss of power and influence in the public arena and are reacting accordingly.  The all too human, kneejerk-reaction to a loss of control and influence is to become hyper defensive and to vigorously fight back with the purpose of maintaining power and control at all cost, even if it means betraying one’s own heart and soul.  I believe that this is what is happening to Christianity right now, here in America. Christians are upset because they are quickly losing their privileged position and no longer have the respect and influence that comes with privilege and status.  As disconcerting and even frightening as it may be to Christians, responding to this loss of influence by adopting a fight back posture is self-defeating.

The problem is this: we are so busy fighting to have our way in the social, political, and governing arena that we are losing our heart and soul, our First Love.  We are failing to invite people to know Christ and to enter His Kingdom.  The last thing Christians should do, to reverse this trend, is attempt to enforce their own dogma upon an unbelieving populace by force of law.  The Spiritual Power of Christianity is not helped along by equating Christianity with a political party or by equating the Gospel message with elitist economics and restrictive moral laws to which a general populace does not subscribe.  The Gospel message has never been one of demanding and/or enforcing outward conformity to superimposed standards of morality upon a resistant and unbelieving public.

This loss of status and social influence can actually be good for The Faith.  Why might this be good?  Because the real power of the Christian faith does not arise from legislating morals.  Its real power is in its Good News that one is set free, loved and mercifully forgiven by a kind and gracious God.  Burdened and needy hearts experiencing renewed hope and spiritual healing through a Living Savior is how Christianity’s true power is revealed.  Spiritual awakening!

Thus, rather than from a position of political power and control, Christians must more and more witness from a position of humility and love if their voice is to be truly heard and received.  And this is exactly how Christianity first spread like wildfire throughout the Roman Empire.  Christians bore witness to a living resurrected Lord, testifying to what He was doing in the lives and hearts of His followers.  There was the power!  Awakened hearts!  People told their stories, giving personal accounts filled with substance and content of how they experienced renewed hope and healing, living accounts of God’s actual work in repairing broken hearts made whole again.  And then they began to live accordingly.  That’s what brings moral vitality to a people and a society!

Real power is Spiritual Power.  Heart pounding life-renewing power that awakens and enlightens, having a personal encounter with the Author of Life, the Light of the World!  Christians, stop grasping after institutionalized control.  Move away from outward, formal power structures and move toward inner spiritual power.  Awaken the heart and soul of a people!  Go back to a call for inner conviction.  Reawaken a desire for holy and devout living that arises from a dynamic and living faith in a merciful, loving God.  Christianity is dead without the Spirit of Christ, the source of inner vitality and inner light and life.

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